Saturday, November 22, 2008

breezy is happy and had a wonderful wonderful weekend! full of life moments that are so perfect and insanely happy you can't even fathom it like rocking out to stevie wonder in the auto van and laying under a wish tree in the sun with some of yo bffs and running around at night with a bleeding skeleton mask and cold cold wind and starry skies and toasted bagels with peanut butter and dedutch and making friends and being trusted and LAUGHING!!!! makes me never want to come home. except for you, airy

i just need to get it down because i don't want to forget the joy i feel in life sometimes.

i know i want to act i know it i know it i just need to get the guts up to commit to it


oh i bought a black pashmina and satin bow headbands
look out... its probably all i'll ever wear

OH AND I REALLY WANT A FUR HAT!!! fuck you the patch for making me curious :(