Thursday, November 27, 2008

sticks and stems

What a beautiful face
I have found in this place
That is circling all round the sun
What a beautiful dream
That could flash on the screen
In a blink of an eye and be gone from me
Soft and sweet
Let me hold it close and keep it here with me, me

And one day we will die
And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea
But for now we are young
Let us lay in the sun
And count every beautiful thing we can see
Love to be
In the arms of all I'm keeping here with me, me

What a curious life we have found here tonight
There is music that sounds from the street
There are lights in the clouds
Anne's ghost all around
Hear her voice as it's rolling and ringing through me
Soft and sweet
How the notes all bend and reach above the trees, trees

just a quick post before i head off to school.. i was at a friends house last night working on a biology project invloving plants and clothing and her brother modelling the finished product for us. we're pretty sure we're going to get an A and we're only about 1/3 done. we're thinking of creating a line called sticks and stems. i hope you all look forward to the pictures that i'll be posting more likely today after schooly(all i can say is thank god for our three day weekends, eh breezy?). my friend SB seriously rocked the modelling, although she thinks i'm lying. seriously. can i just say that when you see these pictures you will be amazed at how beautiful she is? and she doesn't think she's pretty. enough ranting. i have a pug staring at me longingly and some coffee to drink. please excuse this post, i am half asleep.